In order to run the online shop and monitor traffic etc. to this website uses cookies and other similar technologies. For more information about the cookies that uses and stores please visit this page. By continuing to use the website you agree to their use. 

As well as using various cookies to run the online shop, the website will also necessarily collect customer information, and deliver it to me via email, as part of the online shop ordering process and online shop contact form. This is so that I can fulfil any orders that have been placed in the shop or respond to customer enquiries. The information gathered as part of this process may include things like the customer's name, their email address and the billing and shipping postal addresses. These details are needed to process the order and deliver it to the customer, and it may be that I need to give (for example) the shipping address to a third-party company and/or postal service in order to get the product sent out for delivery. 

If you need to contact me with any questions related to your privacy on please use the pop-up contact form button below, which will send me an email containing the information you provide.